Mouths are alsoFor Talking

All images are model portrayals.

Be proactive about speaking up. Your sexual health is worth it.

Not sure how to start the conversation? Depending on your current sexual situation, here are some things you may want to ask:

Whether it’s in person or through telemedicine services, it may feel awkward talking about sex with a healthcare provider.

If your first experience talking to a healthcare provider doesn’t go how you hoped, it’s OK to look for someone else. There are plenty of healthcare providers in the "sea."

Search for healthcare providers near you.

Talk about what you’re into, including protecting your sexual health.

Speaking openly about topics like your status, testing, and HIV prevention options, like PrEP medications, can help you make the best decisions for your situation. This all starts with consent, meaning you can talk with your partner(s) about what you’re ready for and willing to do sexually—and you can always change your mind at any time.

Ready to talk with your partner(s)? Check out these potential conversation starters: